
GitHub, Visualized.

Last updated: September 19, 2024 at 12:35 AM UTC

Repository Trend Charts

Public Repositories Created Daily

Showing total public repositories created over the last 30 days

Total Repositories4,274,362

Forks Created Daily

Showing total forks created over the last 30 days

Total Forks10,866,866

Total Public Repositories on GitHub [BETA]

Showing growth over time (Since we started tracking)

Current Total176,816,157

Language and Project Statistics

Language Distribution*

Top languages used in GitHub repositories

Python is most common at 16.67%
*Not counting "Other" or "No Language Specified"

Top Repositories by Stars

Top 10 most starred GitHub repositories

freeCodeCamp is the most starred with 401.6k stars

Repository Size Distribution

Showing distribution of repository sizes

Total Repositories1,000

License Distribution

Top licenses used in GitHub repositories

MIT license most common at 39.10%

Projects with Most Open Issues

Top 10 GitHub repositories by open issues and PRs

996.ICU has the most open issues with 16707

Top Repositories by Forks

Top 10 most forked GitHub repositories

datasharing is the most forked with 243.5k forks

Top 10 Trending Repositories

Repositories created in the last 30 days

melty is trending with 4466 stars

Top 10 Topics

Most used topics across 1000 repositories

python is the most used topic with 88 repositories

User Statistics

New Users Created Daily

Showing total users created over the last 30 days

Total Users2,190,021

New Orgs Created Daily

Showing total orgs created over the last 30 days

Total Orgs94,395

Total Users on GitHub

Showing growth over time (Since we started tracking)

Current Total182,009,227

Top 10 Users

Based on followers

Top User: torvalds with 216124 followers

Top GitHub User Locations*

Top 10 locations of GitHub users with over 1000 followers

Top location: San Francisco with 48 users
*Not showing Other or Unknown
GitCharts - GitHub Statistics